Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ashton Our No.1

Ashton has always been such a joy in our lives. He is very Active and is always up to something.
He was born March 14th 2004 After a 12 hr labour. Which when i think back was a good labour, he did however have some complications he had fluid in his lungs and had to be in special care for the first few days of his life. This was very difficult for me as all I wanted was to have my little angel close.

Well my wish was granted Ashton has always been close to mummy. He always played around my feet or in which ever room I was working in. Logan now helps him break away and do his own thing but he is never to far from me! I must admit I love it!

Ashton has a great connection with his cousins Micah and Sebastian he calls them his Brothers. Cousins to him is a distant thing If he loves you then you are his Brother or sister! Nathaniel, Braith, CJ and Emma all fall into this category too! He has such a big heart and is always thinking of ways that he can see His 'Brothers' ... Although when they get together they can get pretty rough! Boys will be Boys!

Ashton Loves his sister so much. He is always teaching her something he truly leads and guides mostly for good! They have a really great relationship they make a good team!

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